The Science, Baby!

A view of life from a busy mind in a small town.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Gift Card Frenzy

I don't know who came up with the idea for gift cards, but they had to be lazy. Giving someone a gift is is the laziest, most uncreative way to gift give. I mean, if you are doing some long distance gift-giving, then, that's okay. But if I live around the corner, why you wanna give me a gift card? Cuz you lazy!!

Anyway, gift cards are every freakin where. I told my friend Juice the other day, "If anyone gives me an Arch Card, I'm gonna whoop they ass! Fuck it, just buy me the Value Meal. And then there's the Wal-mart Queen Latifah gift card. She's pretty and all, but why would anyone want her on their gift card? For 88 cents you could put your own family picture on there.

They're at the gas station, they're at the mall, they're at the video store. Something's gotta give people. GIMME SOME MONEY!!

For all you gift cardies, here's a list of my favorite places with gift cards.

Family Video


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