The Science, Baby!

A view of life from a busy mind in a small town.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Middle of the Night Blog-Worthy

Wow...sometimes things get so intense that talking about them just can't wait until morning. Can anyone out there in cyber space recall those "You Might Be A Redneck" jokes Jim Foxworthy used to tell. Well, I got a few of those of my own. But, I wanna call mine "Your Family Might Be Dysfunctional If," and mine ain't jokes.

Your Family Might Be Dysfunctional If:

1. People in your family conspire to take your child away.
2. They smile in your face, then go behind your back and talk about you.
3. They tell you that you love other kids more than you love your own.
4. People in your family try to convince your child that he/she wants to live with them.
5. They come into your home and smile at your mate's face, but secretly hate their soul.

Look this is just getting started. I'll have more to come. The last thing I have to say is...Et tu Brute?


I feel bad even talking baout this shit, but it's crazy. My baby daddy done got himself in some real trouble. He will be incarcerated. What's crazy is this: Should I be mad that I won't get child support anymore or that my son won't see his dad for like a long ass time. I really feel in my heart that I'm more upset about my child support. That was my primary I feel like Florida Evans...Damn, Damn, Damn!! In the world today...with this economy, I need that CHISUP! What is an unemployed college graduate to do in George W's society?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Never Say Never!

I'm 27 years old, and in my 27 years there have been several occassions when I have said that I would never do something. Then much to my surprise, things change, and I do that exact same thing that I say I'll never do. That's why people shouldn't judge. I've judged people and then done the same stupid thing they've done. I know everybody wants to know what I'm talking about, so I'll get on with the juice.

After a recent disagreement with the love of my life, I totally bitched out. He packed his bags and gave me the silent treatment. What do I do? I react like all the girls I say that I'll never act like. I scream, I cry, I throw myself at his feet. This shit is crazy. If anybody has ever heard the song "Green Eyes" by Erykah Badu (click above on Never Say Never! to hear song), they know what I'm talking about. I went through all the stages plus some of my own. Denial. Sorrow. Anger. Humor. Poetry. Reverse psychology. The shit was rough. Or I should say it still is rough. This is happening as we speak, and I'm waiting for him to unpack his bags. He hasn't left yet, and I don't want him to. I've noticed that he's placed his toothbrush back in the holder in the bathroom, but I don't want to be too hopeful.

Anyway, the moral of the story is that crying and begging are two less things that I can say that I've never done. Instead of continuing to add to the list that used to include giving head and dating men with children, I've decided to never say never again.

I'm Back....

It's been so long...have my people forgotten about me? Is there still room for The Science in a world where 2 year olds have their own blog. Did anybody miss me? I'm back in full effect and I don't plan to go anywhere anytime soon!